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Illustration Services

Illustration Services And Book Covers

Book Cover Samples

If you are looking for illustration services and book cover services for self publishers then you have come to the right place! Welcome to the The Artistic Cat, formerly known as Digitell Design. My name is Christina Cartwright and I am a illustrator and book cover designer. I will help you design the perfect book cover art for your novel and draw the illustrations for your children’s book. Character design, logos, game illustrations and posters are some other things I can create for you. If you are wanting something along the lines of scary stuff, horror images or sci fi pictures, please visit my other website!

Illustration Samples

Your Ideas Or Mine?

Do you have a good idea of how you want your illustrations and book cover to look? Send me your detailed instructions on how you want your images or book cover to look and please be sure to include important details such as age, skin and hair colors, eye color, climate and time era.

I can come up with the ideas based on your story line if you don’t want to provide the ideas yourself. If you are looking for realistic or cartoon style images, I can create either one. The genres I work on include pictures for children’s books, fantasy, horror, or sci-fi.

Let’s Get Started!

Most all of my clients like to use Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, ( KDP ), as their publisher.

Whoever your publisher or printer may be, I can provide you with the illustration services that will help you get your book published.

Please send me the details of what you need created!

Please email me direct  at:

View my video HERE

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